The images that you are about to see were created with the goal of visual information. As every anthropologist knows, humans are a vision dominant species. What is so difficult in print media is the financial capability of providing high resolution color graphics. What the Internet provides is just this capability. The images were created using an HP color scanner (mostly), a Nikon Coolpix camera, and Photoshop as an image editor. The images were typically reduced in width to 600 pixels or less to aid the loading time. We are currently viewing the document using Firefox 2.0.
In creating the images, the vast majority of which are relatively small ceramic and bottle sherds, the determination was made to abandon a scalar device. While such an instrument is standard practice in archaeological illustration, after much experimentation, we concluded that such an instrument would greatly increase the size of the image files. Moreover, one is typically viewing either fragments of plates, bowls, cups or bottle sherds, that is, parent objects of rather predictable size. In our judgment, 4 or 10 millimeters is not as important as "seeing" the character of the element being illustrated. Consequently, emphasis was placed on visual information rather than linear.
Some of the images are larger than we would like. Give them an opportunity to load and you will be rewarded with an incredible image at, say, perhaps 10X magnification. View them on a T1 line and they should all snap, crackle, and pop.
All of the images are, of course, copyrighted. My students and I don't care if you use them, particularly if the goals are learning and education, as long as you give us credit. Otherwise, the arm of Parkland Archaeology is long and we will catch up with you at the SAA or SHA........